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jueves, 24 de mayo de 2018

Bloohunter: Cover Bury Me an Angel - Arch Enemy

Bloohunter: Cover Bury Me an Angel - Arch Enemy
Álex Cappa de "The Metal Factory Studios", productor de nuestro segundo disco, nos propuso versionar "Bury Me An Angel" de Arch Enemy y nos pareció una idea increíble: primero porque iba a estar incluida en el recopilatorio de HCXHC (que se hace con fines benéficos) y segundo porque es un tema que resume muy bien la fuerza y la garra de los inicios de la banda; elementos con los que nos sentimos plenamente identificados. Con todo el respeto y la admiración, hemos tratado de darle nuestro toque personal y tras hablarlo con el propio Michael Amott, nos contó que fue el primer tema que escribió para la banda. Ha sido todo un honor! 🤘🏻

Recuerda que puedes conseguir tu copia del álbum en:

· Producido por Alex Cappa en TMF Studios, Madrid, 2017.
· Guitarras y bajo grabados en LightsOut Studios por Daniel Luces.

- Diva Satanica: vocals
- Fenris: guitars
- Éadrom: bass
- Marcelo Aires: drums
Arch Enemy - Bury Me an Angel - Bloohunter Cover


Alex Cappa of "The Metal Factory Studios" , producer of our second album, suggested we record a cover of "Bury Me An Angel" by Arch Enemy, and we thought it was a great idea! Firstly, because it would be included in the compilation album by HCXHC (with profits donated to charity), and secondly because it's a song that represents very well the strength and drive of the beginnings of the band; it contains a lot of elements with which we feel fully identified. With its due respect and admiration, we've tried to give the song our own personal spin, and after talking about it with Michael Amott himself, he told us it was the first song he wrote for the band. It's been a huge honor! 🤘🏻

Remember that you can get your copy of the album at:

· Produced by Álex Cappa at The Metal Factory Studios, Madrid, 2017.
· Guitars and Bass recorded at LightsOut Studios by Daniel Luces

- Diva Satanica: vocals
- Fenris: guitars
- Éadrom: bass
- Marcelo Aires: drums

Arch Enemy - Bury Me an Angel - Bloohunter Cover

FireShot Capture 007 - Arch Enemy · Bury Me an Angel · BloodHunter _ -